Opportunities – Case Representation

Case Representation means the Pro Bono Attorney has agreed to assist a client with a specific legal matter. Attorneys are needed in all areas of civil legal representation, with areas of highest need being: Consumer Issues, Family Law matters, and Probate. However, all areas of expertise are needed and appreciated, and we look forward to matching each willing pro bono attorney with a rewarding pro bono experience. Clients are referred for pro bono placement from JALA general intake, Northeast Florida Medical-Legal Partnership (NFMLP) and area nonprofit agencies. A Pro Bono Attorney reviews the case summary and case documents prior to acceptance. Many resources are available to support the Pro Bono Attorney (Resources: Training and Support). Pro Bono case administration for JALA/NFMLP grantors is minimal.

Get Involved with JALA’s Pro Bono Unit

Attorneys who would like to get involved in pro bono case representation and/or would like to participate in pro bono outreach, intake, and projects are encouraged to contact Debra Talley, Pro Bono Case Placement Manager, at debra.talley@jaxlegalaid.org, 904-356-8371, ext. 362 or fill out the Attorney Interest Form below.