(Photo not that of the actual client)

“Jim,” a Ryan White client, came to JALA after falling behind on his mortgage payments because the mortgage servicer would not communicate with him when they took over servicing of his father’s mortgage.

Jim’s father had died in 2004 and was the prior owner of the home, which was now in default. Jim’s father had transferred the deed to Jim with a slight defect in that his signature appeared to say “Jr.” instead of “Sr.” For years after his father’s passing Jim had paid on the mortgage until the servicer took over and stopped talking to him.

Prior to coming to JALA, Jim repeatedly explained who he was to the servicer and sent them the death certificate, but they would not speak with him about the loan, consider him for a loan modification or accept his payments. JALA opened communications with them and did a notice of error with copies of a quiet title judgment JALA had previously obtained, as well as the death certificate. The servicer finally recognized Jim as the successor owner and spoke to his JALA attorney about the loan.

With help from the Northeast Florida AIDS Network and Hope Across the Globe, which together donated more than $2,000, along with Jim’s own contribution toward the reinstatement of the loan, JALA was able to help Jim get his loan reinstated and prevent a foreclosure filing. The case required a lot of coordination among JALA, the servicer, the client, and the donating organizations, but thanks to JALA’s help, Jim’s family home was saved.