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One night can dramatically change a parent and child’s life when violence infiltrates a home and a family. When it happened to “Arnette Bravely,” she made the tough choice to call upon law enforcement and the courts to help secure safety for herself and her family. She knew she and her children would face a lot of uncertainty, but she persisted and spoke out against her abuser.

Bravely came to JALA shortly after her husband had assaulted her and threatened her with a weapon in their home, in front of their children, ages 10 and 3. She sought help obtaining an injunction for protection against domestic violence, and representation in her divorce proceeding. Her concerns were many because her husband was the family’s sole source of income. In addition, her younger child has a terminal illness requiring Bravely’s round-the-clock care, leaving Bravely unable to earn an income. Bravely needed to remain in her home, without her abuser, and secure financial stability for her and her children. And she needed this relief quickly.

JALA attorneys sprang into action, advocating for Bravely and representing her in her divorce and domestic violence injunction proceedings. Attorney Annie Rodriguez promptly secured an injunction for protection against domestic violence for Bravely and the children and filed the divorce case on Bravely’s behalf. While the case was pending, Rodriguez secured Bravely’s sole possession of the home along with temporary payment of her rent and utilities and several other costs related to the children and home. Bravely was able to live safely, maintain some semblance of normalcy for the children, and continue providing medical care for her daughter. In so doing, Rodriguez spared Bravely the homelessness and financial ruin that can often befall women who leave their abusers.

JALA’s legal representation continued throughout Bravely’s divorce proceedings and ended with advocacy at trial. Meanwhile, the JALA team provided referrals to local agencies to help with the family’s other needs and provided advice and counsel for housing-related issues.

JALA’s family law attorneys fought to secure maximum child support for the children and 100% timesharing for Bravely. Today, Bravely is pursuing continuing education online and is able to stay home to care for the children and meet the medical needs of her youngest child.

This family could have easily fallen into a tailspin, but thanks to Bravely’s strength and the zealous advocacy of JALA’s attorneys, the family now has a bright future.