Image not of client

(Name changed for privacy; photo not the client)

“Gregory,” a veteran who is completely disabled from multiple strokes, was about to lose his home to foreclosure after months spent in a hospital and rehabilitation center during his recovery.

Unable to leave his home, he is dependent on his daughter’s care and that of two home health nurses. Gregory’s daughter set up automatic payments of his mortgage because of his health challenges. When the monthly payment increased without notice, the payments started being returned, and he found himself in foreclosure.

Joy Bryant-Baucum, a certified HUD counselor at JALA, submitted an application to the City of Jacksonville for financial assistance on Gregory’s behalf, while JALA staff attorney Lynn Drysdale fought the foreclosure case in court.

The lender was not willing to do a modification and was requiring immediate payment all of the funds owed to bring the mortgage current. Gregory had been setting money aside, so he had a major portion of the amount owed to pay immediately.

Using those savings, along with funds from the City of Jacksonville, he was able to pay the mortgage. The foreclosure was then dismissed, and Gregory’s home was saved.

About Jacksonville Area Legal Aid
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid is a nonprofit law firm focused on delivering economic, social, and housing justice to low-income and at-risk individuals and families on the First Coast.

If you are an attorney wanting to volunteer with probate and heirs property issues, contact JALA Pro Bono Director Aaron Irving, at (904) 356-8371, Ext. 363, or
