
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (Aug. 6, 2020) — Floridians facing eviction can use a new online tool to create a legal response based on the state’s limited extension of a moratorium on evictions for nonpayment directly related to COVID-19.

The tool at FloridaEvictionHelp.org was created by Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, assisted by a grant from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy, to enable Floridians who are eligible for a delay to avoid being evicted because of an inadequate answer to the eviction filing.

Global advisory firm Stout estimates that Florida will see about 749,000 eviction filings over the next four months, with 44.61% of renter households unable to pay rent and at risk of eviction.

“Knowing there are 749,000 Floridians at risk of eviction and that we don’t have lawyers for 749,000 Floridians, and knowing the Florida Courts DIY system structure does not contain a tenant answer at all, we began working back in March to make sure this tool would be available when the initial full moratorium ended,” said JALA President & CEO Jim Kowalski.

Under Gov. DeSantis’ latest order issued July 29, landlords can file evictions, but “final action” on the lawsuit is suspended until Sept. 1 if, and only if, tenants can show a link to COVID-19.

“Until Sept. 1, tenants have to file a response within five days and demonstrate the inability to pay is due to COVID-19,” Kowalski said. “After Sept. 1, they still must respond within five days, but they won’t have the defense provided by the governor’s order unless that portion of the order is continued.”

The $74,000 grant from the Center for Disaster Philanthropy is being used to build and modify the tool as new statewide orders affecting eviction are issued, as well as for other COVID-19-related legal work JALA is doing.
Funding for such projects in the past could have been provided through Florida’s Interest on Trust Accounts Program, a longstanding statewide funding source for civil legal aid. Unfortunately, proposed changes to the IOTA program’s administration would prevent traditional IOTA funding from being used for critically needed large-scale legal technology projects such as this one.

About Jacksonville Area Legal Aid
The mission of Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, Inc. is to obtain and provide high-quality legal assistance to low-income and other special-need groups and to stimulate and empower groups of poor people to accomplish energetic and affirmative advocacy, all to alleviate the circumstances, incidence and causes
of poverty.