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(Names changed for privacy; photo not the actual client.)

“Marcia,” a single mother whose adult son has a disability, was delinquent on her mortgage after a COVID-19 hardship. She had entered into a COVID-19 forbearance, and once it ended, her loan servicer told her she had to pay almost $8,000 in one lump sum. Unable to pay such a large amount, Marcia turned to JALA, where Housing Counselor Marissa Vetter offers housing counseling in Clay County through a SHIP grant. SHIP, or the State Housing Initiative Program, provides local governments with funds to create housing programs to assist income-eligible residents. Vetter worked with the lender, and Marcia was approved for an FHA partial claim. She was not required to pay a lump sum, and the missed payments were placed at the end of the loan. Marcia has resumed her mortgage payments, and she is now back on track.

About Jacksonville Area Legal Aid
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid is a nonprofit law firm focused on delivering economic, social, and housing justice to low-income and at-risk individuals and families on the First Coast.

If you are an attorney wanting to volunteer with probate and heirs property issues, contact JALA Pro Bono Director Aaron Irving, at (904) 356-8371, Ext. 363, or
