
CM’s Guide to Working at a Non-Profit Law Firm

For students planning on going to law school, getting exposure to the legal field before signing on the dotted line for three years is invaluable. As helpful as a summer legal internship might be, most law firms don’t offer internships for undergraduate students. Feeling disappointed? FEAR NOT, NORTHEAST FLORIDA RESIDENTS OR STUDENTS SHOULD CHECK OUT THE NON-PROFIT LAW FIRM JACKSONVILLE AREA LEGAL AID (JALA). THE SCOOP ON JALA

2020-12-28T10:05:49-05:00December 28th, 2020|News, Pro Bono|

Message from JALA CEO Jim Kowalski

It will be a long time before any of us forgets 2020. While the year has been rough on all of us, it has been especially hard on the low-income population Jacksonville Area Legal Aid serves, many of whom were among the first to suffer the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The effects of the coronavirus were not only evident in our community’s medical facilities, but also its food banks, shelters and yes, at JALA, where we fielded more than 9,000 requests for assistance, a 40% increase over 2019. Two areas where the needs increased the most were in eviction prevention and protection from domestic violence. Our attorneys and staff rose to the challenge of serving thousands of clients while working remotely for everyone’s safety. When we succeed, we stabilize families and thereby the community at large. Your support will enable JALA to serve more of those who would otherwise not have access to civil legal aid, thereby increasing the community’s resilience as we all seek to emerge from the global pandemic and restore our collective prosperity. Best wishes to you and your loved ones for a healthy and happy holiday season, and thank you for your support.

2021-01-04T10:50:48-05:00December 20th, 2020|Fair Housing, Family Law, News, VOCA|

Domestic violence cases surge during pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a doubling of requests for help from domestic violence survivors, with Jacksonville Area Legal Aid’s staff handling nearly 300 domestic violence intakes through early December 2020, compared to 140 in all of 2019.    “There has definitely been an increase in survivors requesting family law assistance since the pandemic,” said Michelle Broyles, division chief of JALA’s Family Law & Victim Advocacy Unit. “On a normal day, survivors live in fear, but when there is a lock down, ‘safe at home’ is not safe for everyone.  Lockdowns force survivors to stay in close quarters with their abusers.” 

2020-12-17T13:54:22-05:00December 17th, 2020|Family Law, News|

JALA’s housing unit plays a crucial role during the pandemic

With eviction filings having quickly resumed after the lifting of the statewide moratorium, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid has seen a 50% increase in requests for help with landlord-tenant matters over 2019 levels. Mary DeVries, division chief of JALA’s housing unit, said she’s hearing from people who are thousands of dollars in debt after suffering the economic fallout of the pandemic. Having foreseen the surge in eviction filing, JALA last summer launched a new online tool to help Floridians create a legal response based initially on the state’s moratorium on evictions for nonpayment directly related to COVID-19, as well as the CARES Act, and later on the CDC eviction moratorium.

2020-12-17T13:34:03-05:00December 17th, 2020|Fair Housing, News|

Michelle Broyles Leads JALA’s Family Law and Victim Advocacy Unit

As a child in Kentucky, Michelle Broyles made a little book in school about how she wanted to be a lawyer when she grew up. “My friend actually saved my picture book,” said Broyles, division chief of JALA’s Family Law and Victim Advocacy Unit. “He kept it, and I didn’t even realize it. I actually made that decision in second grade but had forgotten about it by the time I got to law school until my friend called me to congratulate me on having achieved my life’s goal.”

2021-05-10T14:51:34-04:00December 14th, 2020|Family Law, News, VOCA|

Duval County residents can apply for up to $5,000 to pay for rent, mortgage

A program launching this week will provide more than $5.1 million to Duval County residents and business owners at risk for losing their apartment, home or business location due to the economic impact of COVID-19. Applications will be accepted at for residential properties starting Thursday, December 3 followed by commercial properties the week of Dec. 7.

2020-12-03T10:57:00-05:00December 3rd, 2020|Fair Housing, News|

Pro Bono Attorney Helps Client Obtain Safe and Secure Housing

My client, who is deaf, was jumped by a group of men while walking home from work.  Two days later his apartment was burglarized. The case caught my attention after it was reported by Vic Micolucci at News 4 Jax.  It was especially interesting to me because the victim (and my client to be) was a cook at a local restaurant in the Lakewood area where I am a fairly frequent diner.  My client’s apartment complex made some temporary repairs to correct the damage from the break in, but not enough to make much of a difference.  There were also serious problems due to roaches and rats and there had been a major water leak that was causing serious mold issues.  It was a bad situation and my client wanted to find a new place to live without having to worry about an eviction on his record.

2020-12-17T14:57:29-05:00October 24th, 2020|Client Stories, Fair Housing, News, Pro Bono|
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