Veterans Services

Army veteran goes to JALA for help with divorce, comes away with a veteran’s pension

A U.S. Army veteran, “Reginald,” 70, had been living on Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and part-time wages as a handyman, earning less than $12,000 a year. Reginald, who had been diagnosed with two different types of cancer, applied to JALA for help with a divorce and was referred to the Veterans Services Unit.

2020-09-29T08:13:01-04:00September 29th, 2020|Client Stories, Veterans Services|

Foreclosure lawsuit against older veteran dismissed thanks to JALA

“Henry,” a 70-year-old veteran, found himself facing a foreclosure lawsuit. Intimidated by the legal process and still grieving after the lengthy illness and death of his wife, he failed to respond to the court and eventually turned to JALA for assistance after a foreclosure judgment had been entered.

2020-06-18T15:24:40-04:00June 18th, 2020|Client Stories, Fair Housing, Veterans Services|

Veteran’s home saved by JALA and St. Johns Housing Partnership

As a result of a series of health issues and his wife’s terminal cancer, 59-year-old “Bill,” a U.S. veteran, fell behind on his mortgage payments. He then neglected the resulting foreclosure lawsuit while nursing his wife until her death. Eventually, he turned to JALA for help.

2020-06-18T14:53:09-04:00June 11th, 2020|Client Stories, Fair Housing, Veterans Services|

JALA helps save service member’s home

Petty Officer “Sarah Townsend’s” neighborhood Homeowners’ Association filed a foreclosure lawsuit against her as a result of minor yard maintenance issues. She had rented out her house so she could live closer to the Navy base. Although Officer Townsend believed that she had taken care of the yard issues, her HOA continued to send notices to her tenants rather than her, and they piled up.

2020-06-18T14:46:22-04:00June 4th, 2020|Client Stories, Fair Housing, Veterans Services|
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