Their Mission

Freed to Run 3.0 is a 6 marathons in 6 days point-to-point relay – with teams covering the distance, taking turns throughout the day. While each team member is running their section of the course, their teammates will shuttle ahead via transportation provided by Elite Parking to the next relay checkpoint and await their approaching team member.

Freed to Run donations will go to the JALA Endowment for the Northeast Florida Medical Legal Partnership. The Baptist Health Foundation will match all donations by 125%.

Relay Teams along with the marathon leg they are running can be seen by clicking the button above. You may also donate/support a relay team by selecting their specific page.

We encourage teams and supporters to engage in social media to raise awareness of our Northeast Florida Medical Legal Partnership and the efforts of Freed to Run.  Please view our Freed to Run Social Media Guide and see how you can help increase engagement.

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