Ways to Get Involved

Case Representation

Case Representation means the Pro Bono Attorney has agreed to assist a client with a specific legal matter. Attorneys are needed in all areas of civil legal representation, with areas of highest need being: Consumer Issues, Family Law matters, and Probate. However, all areas of expertise are needed and appreciated, and we look forward to matching each willing pro bono attorney with a rewarding pro bono experience. Clients are referred for pro bono placement from JALA general intake, Northeast Florida Medical-Legal Partnership (NFMLP) and area nonprofit agencies. A Pro Bono Attorney reviews the case summary and case documents prior to acceptance.

Outreach & Events

Pro bono Outreach & Event opportunities include serving as an intake interviewer, conducting monthly informational clinics, brochure translation for JALA’s Fair Housing Unit, participating in Ask-A-Lawyer, and other valuable efforts.


JALA is deeply appreciative of the thousands of hours of pro bono service provided by area attorneys each year. Attorneys are recognized for their accomplishments annually at the annual Robert J. Beckham Equal Justice Awards Celebration, monthly with the Attorney of the Month designation and at the Jacksonville Bar Association luncheons with pro bono attorney name-tag ribbons.


Get Involved with JALA’s Pro Bono Unit

Attorneys who would like to get involved in pro bono case representation and/or would like to participate in pro bono outreach, intake, and projects are encouraged to contact Debra Talley, Pro Bono Case Placement Manager, at debra.talley@jaxlegalaid.org, 904-356-8371, ext. 362 or fill out the Attorney Interest Form below.