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Through the Northeast Florida Medical Legal Partnership, about 200 children each year are referred by local health-care institutions to Jacksonville Area Legal Aid for help with an array of legal issues negatively impacting their health. Below are a few of their stories. By giving to the NFMLP endowment, you are ensuring that our community’s children will always have access to the legal help that changed these children’s lives when so much was at stake. All donations are generously matched at 125% by Baptist Health.

Issac was born two months early. He is a dependent, special needs child. After losing their insurance coverage, Issac’s family thought they had no one to turn to. They relied on the insurance to cover Issac’s medical needs such as therapy. But with the help of Katy, a JALA attorney, they were able to secure coverage. Now Issac has nursing care, which improves his quality of life. The endowment helps JALA continue to provide quality legal services for children with medical issues.

When Jack was three, he was diagnosed with acute flaccid myelitis. This meant that to attend school, he needed a nurse. But the school told his family that they had to provide their own nurse, when federal law requires that the school provide one. JALA stepped in to help, providing legal assistance. Now, Jack can go to school and learn with other children.

After he was diagnosed with bone cancer, Kristian became wheelchair bound. His family tried to call the rental company to ask for accommodations, but they refused to pick up the phone. Kristian was stuck inside the house. But JALA sent a legal notice to the company, and they finally responded. Now Kristian can go outside in his wheelchair independently. The endowment helps fund cases like Kristian’s to protect children’s civil rights.

Amber was born with congenital heart disease and Klippel-Feil syndrome. As a child, she was on Medicaid. But when she turned eighteen, Amber received a notice that she no longer qualified. This meant that she was unable to keep up with her doctor’s  appointments and treatments. JALA helped Amber get back on Medicaid. As children grow, their medical needs may remain the same. JALA is committed to help children and adults face any legal challenges that may arise, and the endowment helps do just that.

Andrea has a rare condition that affects her metabolism, making treatment absolutely crucial for her survival. Under a special program, she was allowed to come to the United States and qualified for Medicaid. But when in came time to recertify her Medicaid, Andrea was denied. Thankfully, the Immigration Unit at JALA helped guide Andrea’s family through the process and she was able to regain her Medicaid and access to treatments.

Due to his disability, Marcus is unable to drive. But when he applied for JTA Connexion transportation to help him get to work, he was denied without an explanation. JALA helped Marcus and his family prove that Marcus qualified for the program. Now he has more independence and can go to work.