JALA’s Pro Bono Upcoming Live CLE Courses

CLE Live Webinar Schedule

No live seminars are currently scheduled.

JALA’s Webinars

The goal of each CLE training course is to give the pro bono attorney the tools to represent a pro bono client in particular substantive area of law. Interested pro bono attorneys should email Aaron Irving, Pro Bono Director, at Aaron.Irving@jaxlegalaid.org to request materials. Mr. Irving will email to the requesting attorney the web address and password, the course materials including document templates, and the CLE reporting information OR registration information for upcoming live webinars.

  • Attorneys may view the materials at their convenience at their personal computers live or by requesting the materials from Aaron Irving, after the presentation (Aaron.Irving@jaxlegalaid.org).
  • Pro bono attorneys receive relevant reference information and document templates.
  • There is no charge for the webinar, but by participating in the webinar, the attorney is making a commitment to serve at least one pro bono client in the specific substantive area. Pro bono attorneys are covered by legal services professional liability insurance when serving a legal services pro bono client. New pro bono attorneys may also be paired with an expert resource attorney for guidance during the progress of the pro bono case.

Click here to view a full list of all CLE Materials available for Pro Bono attorneys

If you have questions about registering for the CLE webinars or are interested in the full listing of web-based trainings that are available for pro bono attorneys, please contact Aaron Irving, Pro Bono Director, Aaron.Irving@jaxlegalaid.org, or call (904) 356-8371, ext. 363.


Get Involved with JALA’s Pro Bono Unit

Attorneys who would like to get involved in pro bono case representation and/or would like to participate in pro bono outreach, intake, and projects are encouraged to contact Debra Talley, Pro Bono Case Placement Manager, at debra.talley@jaxlegalaid.org, 904-356-8371, ext. 362 or fill out the Attorney Interest Form below.